Becoming a PADI Divemaster
Sunshine Divers would like to welcome Kelly Ann Nickels aboard the PADI Divemaster Internshipp program. Kelly is eager and enthusiastic to get going with her new career as a professional diver as she recently completed her PADI Open water, Advanced, EFR and Rescue Diver Program. During this time Kelly will undertake a handful of tasks including skill circuits and various workshops, which will consist of learning how to assist, teach and supervise on certain PADI sanctioned programs. Through personal development and demonstrating dive skills, watermanship abilities, handling different diving conditions and circumstances, will provide credibility toward her PADI Divemaster Rating.
Other workshops include Search and Recovery, Navigation, Deep, Bouyancy and mapping projects. Kelly will also be taught how to compose boat master duties and deliver briefings to certified divers. Amongst all the fun in the swimming pool and ocean, there are some lectures for dive theory and exams to complete to keep her brain active and updated on PADI Standards for training.
Throughout she will be assisting instructors on courses to gain experience and knowledge that will prepare her for when she starts working as a professional PADI Divemaster. At the end of the program Kelly will be eligible to lead certiied divers, refresh certified divers skills and help on several PADI sanctioned courses.