This internship includes team teaching with one of our experienced senior instructors
Many of who have certified over 1000 students and have years of experience behind them.
Observing a senior instructor conduct courses is as valuable as the IDC itself. You will team-teach diving courses from beginner to Divemaster levels. The Internship Program begins by first observing different senior instructors conduct their diving courses.
This exposure to the different methods instructors use to teach diving is invaluable. Once you receive your teaching status as a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor you then begin to teach more independently, with the senior instructor present to supervise.
A Senior Instructor will follow on your courses assessing you as well as providing you with tips and hints that will make your courses more fun and effective both for your students and you the Instructor.
Certify 25 students
This program is valuable in terms of learning, and even more valuable in terms of employment. Since you will finish the Internship Program with at least 25 certifications, you have a head start at getting employment after the program. You are no longer an instructor who has “just” finished the IE, but rather you have more experience behind you with real life teaching and real life problems. Once the Internship Program is completed candidates have normally certified 10-15 Open Water Divers, 5-10 Advanced Open Water Divers, 5 Rescue Divers and 1 Divemaster along with a few Specialties like U/W Photographer, Deep Diver and Night Diver.
The advantage of having this experience when you are applying for a job is enormous. Every candidate who has completed the Internship Program has been able to find a job on Koh Tao or internationally within 4 weeks of completing their Internship.
Internship Only - Cost : 10,000 Baht
(To obtain a minimum of 25 certifications and experience)